Ready To Know How to Podcast?

To really know how to podcast the right way.

Secrets to Launching a Badass Podcast: 
Beyond the Nuts and Bolts 

4-week program with Live instruction
launches Tuesday, April 7th

  • Do you want a proven system guaranteed to build your authority and position you as the expertise that you are?

  • Do you have a passion to share your message to the masses?

  • Are you ready to find your voice and connect 
    with a your perfect fit audience?

Learn How to Podcast and Make it Happen

No matter who you are, where you’re from or what you do, you have an audience that’s ready and waiting. All you have to do is find your voice, create your content and start connecting with them. When you learn how to podcast like a pro, there really will be nothing stopping you. You can save time and money by first finding proof that your online course has a group of people willing to enroll and pay for it. With this technique, you're finding your market before making the course.
how to podcast logo

More Than Just A Course

We are going beyond the nuts and bolts.

Real instruction from an expert with over 200,000 downloads weekly and over 10,000 shows under her belt. You are going to get the inside scoop on the tools, the techniques and the know how is creating a badass podcast that stands out among the rest.

Investing in your future is about so much more than following a rigid course: you want a program that talks you through every step of how to podcast from day one. 

It’s why we’ve created a unique live online program that allows anyone to bring their badass new podcast to life in as little as 4 weeks.

In a nutshell you'll get to:

  • Create Your Big Vision. Share your message to the masses and finally make a greater impact to be seen and to be heard world-wide
  • Define Your Audience. Know who you’re talking to. It just might not be who you think it is
  • Outline Your Content. A 20+ year proven footprint that works. Avoid burnout
  • Prepare For Launch. You'll have 10 shows ready to for launch and answers to your questions live

Unlock Your True Potential

Podcasting is about so much more than a microphone, computer and someone to interview.  When done right, it's a lucrative tool that has the potential to grow your business and authority exponentially. 

The opportunities are limitless when you know just how to podcast like a pro.

It’s about finding your voice, finding your audience and connecting the two with content that you’re proud to call your own. 

When you think of it like that, learning how to podcast is all about unlocking your true potential and allowing the world to hear what you have to say.

Ready to Launch?

Getting started couldn’t be easier. Sign up now and get ready to connect with your audience. What are you waiting for?

A Mentor That Shows You How

Meet Your Instructor

When you want a podcast that stands out above the rest, you need to learn from the best. 

Mandy Connell is more than just a mentor you can trust — she’s a veteran podcaster who’s found her voice and built an audience from nothing. 

By using her knowledge, expertise, passion and experience to create a program unlike any other, she’ll show you how to:

  • Build An Audience that tunes in to hear everything you have to say
  • Create Content that allows you to instantly connect every time you’re on air
  • Gain Traction by creating a niche and standing out like a pro
  • Achieve Momentum through live online mentorship that allows you to ask anything and everything you need to know

Expert Mentor

Mandy Connell

Mandy Connell has been talking for a living for 23 years, first on radio, and now podcasting too! She is a nationally known talk show host who is currently #46 on the Talkers Magazine Heavy Hundred, as well as Talk Show Host of the Year from the Colorado Broadcasters Association. She created a podcast network for women along with the Ladies Chit Chat Club to teach women how to podcast and has helped many podcasters get their shows up and running. She loves sharing her knowledge about doing a great show with aspiring hosts. She's wife to Chuck, mom to Q, Ryan and Phil and Dog Mom to Jinx and loves to cook, read, hike and meet interesting people.

Your New Podcast Awaits

There’s never been a better time to find your voice, build your audience and launch your badass podcast.

Secrets to Launching a Badass Podcast:
Beyond the Nuts and Bolts

Program Starts: Tuesdays, April 7th, 

Time: 6:00 PM EST | 4:00 PM MST | 3:00 PM PST

4 Weekly Sessions: 

Tuesdays; April 7th, April 14th, April 21st, April 28th

Exclusive 1-Hour Live Podcast Training Online

Only $497 Limited Time Only.
Space is Limited.


Watch Intro Video

Listen In: What to Expect